Argentine Interior design Casa Foa 2016
Built in 1935, the Colonial Revival-style Palacio Cabrera was a residence for senior citizens that fell into disuse and disrepair years ago but is now strutting its limited-time rebirth as Casa FOA, a showcase for residential and commercial interior/exterior design. Throughout the sprawling building, 50 very distinct areas have been created as model apartments, workspaces, cafés and public spaces, every detail designed by different architectural firms eager to express their creativity and show what they can do. And they do it well.
Casa FOA, which runs until 4 December, is a must-see for anyone interested in modern Argentine design, especially for those remodelling or redecorating their homes. Visitors can discover Argentina’s newest furnishing, textiles, fixtures and, of course, designers as every inviting-to-touch surface, all the furniture, fixtures, appliances – everything – is identified by its manufacturer on each space’s brochure. This is definitely the place to pinch an armful of decorating ideas.
This edition of the exhibition was created by real estate developer BrodyFriedman and Casa FOA in 1985 to benefit the Argentine Ophthalmological Foundation (FOA in Spanish), a research, educational and community eye-care organisation. Three decades on and it has become a much-anticipated annual Buenos Aires cultural event. In March 2017, BrodyFriedman will begin developing Palacio Cabrera – a stone’s throw from Home Hotel – as a 35-unit luxury apartment building, leaving the façade of the old beauty intact but topping it with three additional levels. With all its architectural inspiration, it promises to be a crowning jewel in Palermo Hollywood.
Casa FOA at Palacio Cabrera
José Antonio Cabrera 5653
Sundays-Thursdays 1-9pm; Fridays and Saturdays, 1-11pm
Entrance (benefits FOA) 150 pesos, Mon-Thu; 170 pesos Fri-Sun
Until 4 December 2016